From 1Number Information, you have a great opportunity to complete the New 2018 Year's planning.

Today's Sunday, the last day of this year (2017). Since Sunday is a holiday, you have a great opportunity to complete the New Year's planning.

I request you to make some resolutions, plans for the new year 2018 that ends on Monday 01.01.2018, starting from 00.00.01 and at the end of Monday, 31.12.2018 at 12.00 pm.


☞ (01) First love yourself.
☞ (02) Honor elders.
☞ (03).Learn to save
☞ (04) Try to stay healthy.
☞ (05) Good friends increase family.
☞ (06) Stay away from addiction.
☞ (07) devotional journey
☞ (08) Social service.
☞ (9) Do everything with advice.
☞ (10) Read the achievements.
☞ (11) live the natural life
☞ (12) Life is very short. Enjoy every moment.
☞ (13) Do not forget that today's youth is dependent on tomorrow's aging.
☞ (14) Always remember that there are people behind you.
☞ (15) Finding and finding means will be found and found. If you act like this then you can go ahead.

To live the ideal life

☞ (01) If you make a mistake then agree.
☞ (02) Consider the opinion of the front.
☞ (03) Praise for good work.
☞ (04) Do not forget to accept gratitude.
☞ (05) I would rather use the words instead.
☞ (06) Being constantly laughing
☞ (07) Identify the other good qualities.
☞ (08) Do not laugh at anybody.
☞ (9) Identify your strengths and strengths.
☞ (10) Do not spend time in the problem of complaint.
☞ (11) Think about the recipe.
☞ (12) Do not fail people's shoulders.
☞ Control the anger.
☞ (14) Let friendship remain forever.
☞ (15) Always keep your eye on the truth.
☞ (16) Treat others well.
☞ (17) Talk about thinking.
☞ (18) Divide the product of multiplication and misery.
☞ (19) Take care of yourself while driving and avoid high self-confidence.

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